
Megamalai, Theni. Megamalai is around 50 kms from Theni in the Megamalai Hills. Megamalai is situated at an elevation of 1,500 m above sea level and it is rich in flora and fauna. This area mostly planted with tea, includes, Highwavys, Venniar and Manalar estates. It still includes large untouched remnants of evergreen forest. view…


Highwavys, Megamalai, Theni. Highwavys is around 50 kms from Theni in the Megamalai Hills. Megamalai is situated at an elevation of 1,500 m above sea level and it is rich in flora and fauna. This area mostly planted with tea, includes, Highwavys, Venniar and Manalar estates. It still includes large untouched remnants of evergreen forest….